By Jyothi 15/09/2024

Seek & Find Puzzle: Join the Top 20% Who Can Find the Hidden Paperclip in 13 Seconds!

Seek and Find puzzles, often known as visual illusions, are visuals in which our visual system provides an alternative perception to reality.  

This can occur as a result of how our eyes and brain receive information, as well as how an image is generated.  

To put it simply, a seek-and-find problem is a trick that our minds pull on us.  

This puzzle is making the rounds on the internet, and it's a fun way to test your observation abilities.  

It is an image of a party scene in which a paperclip has been missing, and you must find the concealed paperclip.    

This image poses a challenge that will put your ability to attentively notice things to the test.   

However, if you look closely, you will notice the object readily.   

Picture Puzzle IQ Test: Locate the word "friends" in the birthday party scenario in 5 seconds!

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