2 Zodiac Signs Abundance September 2, 2024

Feel like today is your day? It's no coincidence that the Virgo New Moon is boosting cosmic energy.   

This is the day you plant seeds that will blossom and show potential at the next Full Moon.   

The New Moon is the universe's reminder to act on your dreams right now! This New Moon is ideal for reflecting on the past and creating goals.  

The cosmos seems to be nudging or pushing us to pursue our ambitions and see them come true. This New Moon is the time to start a new workout or business move!   

Set goals, but don't ignore them. Be ready to execute your plans under this cosmic limelight and see your dreams transform from "meh" to "wow!"  

Virgo, do you feel prompted to alter by the universe? That's occurring now! This morning's Moon biquintile to the North Node may shake up your emotions, especially those deep-seated feelings about your portion of the pie.  


Your intuition that September 2nd is your day to shine is correct, Sagittarius! Now that the Sun is in Virgo, it's time to focus on work instead of summer fun.   
